Club & Website Policies 7 of 20




Ilkeston RUFC (“the club”) recognises the importance of affording equity, equal opportunity and fair treatment to all present and potential employees and members.
The club aims to ensure that all people irrespective of their age, gender, ability, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, colour, nationality, social status or sexual orientation have a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in rugby union at all levels and in all roles. That is, as a beginner, participant or performer, and as a coach, official, referee, manager, administrator or spectator.
It is the aim of the club in its relationships with members, employees, job applicants and in the provision of its services, not to disadvantage any individual by imposing any conditions or requirements which cannot be justified. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action being taken.
Advice and training will be given to all those working for or on behalf of the Unions.
Direct discrimination is defined as treating a person less favourably than others are or would be treated in the same or similar circumstances.
Indirect discrimination occurs when a requirement or condition is applied which, whether intentional or not, adversely affects a considerably larger proportion of people of one race, sex or marital status than another and cannot be justified on grounds other than race, sex or marital status.


The club Equity Policy has the following objectives: -
 To adopt a planned approach to eliminating perceived barriers which discriminate against particular groups. This will include widening the traditional approach and include communities experiencing disadvantage, poverty and health inequalities;
 To ensure that no-one working or wishing to work for or on behalf of The club receives less favourable treatment on the grounds outlined in the Policy Statement above;
 To give clear guidance to individuals working within The club, either employed or as volunteers, on the commitment to equal opportunities;
 To ensure that all those who participate in rugby union, at all levels and in all roles, receive fair and equitable treatment;
 To ensure that the format and content of all competitions, regulations and assessments provides equity for all, except where specific situations and conditions properly or reasonably prevent this;
 To ensure that all materials prepared, produced and distributed by or on behalf of The club, promote a clear image of the profile of all those who are a part of the game.


The club will seek to promote equity and equality through: -
 The monitoring of practices, procedures and data relating to the operations of competitions, schemes, initiatives and development materials;
 A regular review of existing rules and regulations to ensure that they do not inhibit the participation of people from groups which may suffer discrimination;
 Increasing collaboration with partner organisations to ensure equity, fair and consistent treatment of all members;
 The provision of appropriate training for all employees, members of the Executive Committee and other key volunteers of the club to raise awareness of both collective and individual responsibilities, to support their progress within the club and, where appropriate, provide specialised facilities, equipment and individual training.

In pursuance of this policy, the club may take special measures or positive action in favour of any group which is currently under-represented in its membership, representative bodies or its workforce. In this, the club recognises its legal obligations under the following acts of Parliament: -
 Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment 2000)
 Equal Pay Act 1970
 Sex Discrimination Acts 1975, 1986, 1999
 Disability Discrimination Act 1995
 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
 Human Rights Act 1998


 The Chairman of The club Senior section and the Chairman of The club Youth Section will be responsible for providing their Constituent Body (NLD) and membership with data for monitoring the effectiveness of this policy, and for providing information to members about the policy and its implementation and impact;
 selected, promoted and treated solely on the basis of the skills and abilities which are appropriate to the position;
 The club will work with key equity partners and accountable officers within the respective organizations to ensure that all programmes and initiatives are inclusive.
 Exemptions
 The club reserves the right to limit competitions to persons of specific age, gender or disability groups where this is necessary to ensure equitable, safe and equal competition.


The club expects all those acting on behalf of the organisation to adhere to this policy.
In pursuance of this policy the club reserve the right to discipline any of its members or employees who practice any form of discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age, gender, ability, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, colour, nationality, social status or sexual orientation.

Safeguarding Officer: Rich Hunter 07791 733696 or richhunter2343@gmail.com
Safeguarding Assistant: Andy Evans 07770 303167 or chairman@ilkestonrugby.com
Policy reviewed 2024